I wholeheartedly agree with the Dalai Lama’s opinion, “The world will be saved by the western woman”. However, it cannot be saved from the same energy that has created the current culture, mores, and structure.
Before we can fully LEAD (ourselves, our teams, our companies), two key areas must be addressed.
It may come in the form of healing old wounds for ourselves, our teams, and our communities.
It may look like skill development, refining tools, or reinforcing policy – whether personal or business.
It may look like letting go of unhealthy relationships, purging unworkable habits or changing course altogether.
Make no mistake, we don’t need to be in suits, or grandstanding in politics to make the impact we are here to make. We can fully step into leading the lives and businesses we are meant to lead – from right where we are and in each role we have.
No matter your position or situation, the first step in the process of becoming a great leader is to find and cultivate: Unwavering Courage.
When we decide to take a stand, many times we will be targets. Held accountable in ways that men usually are not. This is readily seen in our relationships and business. Just think of the women who choose not to have children and focus on careers and calling instead.
Judged and ridiculed by men and women alike.
Or like powerhouse CEO, Therese Tucker who defied the odds, going all out with her billion-dollar tech company and then gets attacked for taking a stand with her hair color.
Those are just a couple of the myriad of examples, and I don’t need to go on. The fact is, we as women MUST have UNWAVERING COURAGE.
And what does that really mean?
Courage: noun, the ability to meet danger and difficulties with firmness: the ability to do something that you know is difficult or dangerous
Derived from Old French corage, from Latin cor ‘heart.’
You see, the HEART is a key Energy vessel, not just the organ but the essence of our Unity and communion and it is where we need to lead from FIRST.
This piece must be in place.
How do we get unwavering courage? I am going to venture to say that each one of us has expressed in our lives at one time or another that UNWAVERING Courage.
Can you think of a time or two? I can.
Just remembering those moments will be a powerful action step this week!
When you recall those past moments of unwavering courage – recall every nuance, the smell, the textures, the sounds. Feel into that moment and use that to bring you strength for something you need to find courage in today.
This unwavering courage is something we must each continuously cultivate for ourselves, as well as each other – to build fortitude in order to fulfill our Dreams.
The second piece that we need to focus on is Self Confidence.
The confidence to BE fully oneself without having to tear another down to show up. The confidence to support another without forfeiting your own needs. The confidence to take the time you need to restore and reset if you don’t know your exact next steps. Like these amazing women business owners who connect with Women Entrepreneurs Organization. A group that has exploded locally because of the heart centered collaborative support rather than fostering competition.
These are just a few examples of how I define SELF CONFIDENCE.
This week, set aside your SELF CARE time with a focus on your HEART. Your hearts desire. Your compassion for self, especially if you have been more focused outwardly. Your compassion for others if you have been more focused inward. Come into a balance with this energy.
Take one action that you know you want to complete this week and make a promise to yourself that by the end of the week, you will complete that. Whether it is telling someone NO, you will not be attending that party, NO you won’t be volunteering for that fundraiser, or YES, I will take on that role and I’m excited to do so.
Whatever that piece is for you, do it from a place of PURE HEART.
When you have completed that, take the time to honor and acknowledge your hearts choice.
When you need reinforcement, connect to your body’s POWER HOUSE, use your “power stance” and shout, even if silently (but it’s better out loud!)
Here’s to an awesome week!
Go lead a Life YOU LOVE – Courageously!
Much love, Stephana
Stephana Johnson is a leadership resilience expert, author and host of Lead Stronger Longer. Through her work she empowers leaders to optimize their energy, wellness and resilience so they skyrocket their performance and impact. She is the Founder of Yogilachi® the proven holistic body transformation and CEO (Chief Empowerment Officer) of Powerhouse Leaders. She energizes audiences globally on performance, innovation and resiliency. For more information visit www.stephanajohnson.com, call 360-210-2204 or email Stephana directly at stephana@stephanajohnson.com